Non-Invasive Butt Lift Without Surgery: Instant BBL
Everything is bigger and better in Texas!
The “Instant BBL” is a safer and less expensive
alternative to a surgical Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as BBL.
Rejuvenate’s BBL
The “Instant BBL” is a safer and less expensive alternative to a surgical Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as BBL. The BBL procedure carries the highest risk of complication for plastic surgical procedures. Our non-invasive procedure delivers beautiful and natural results. It is completely customizable for each patient’s needs.
We use cannulas to inject Radiesse into strategic areas in the hip and buttocks to give a fuller and lifted appearance. We use Radiesse because you get both instant and long-lasting results. Radiesse stimulates collagen and elastin in the months following injection and it gives instant fullness. These are perfect qualities for this procedure!
This procedure can address hip dips as well. We map out your booty and treat within an hour! You leave with instant Bootielicious!

*Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. Before and after picture are shown on this site for informations purposes only. No claims are made that your results will be exactly the same. Pictures of actual patients are shown for informational purposes only.
*Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. Before and after picture are shown on this site for informations purposes only. No claims are made that your results will be exactly the same. Pictures of actual patients are shown for informational purposes only.
Radiesse® Buttock lift and Hip Dips
Is your buttocks area flat, less perky, and unattractive?
No matter what you do, diet, exercise, gain/lose weight, you simply cannot
get the shape you desire?
There are many reasons why a butt lift or a hip dip correction
to get the desired look. Radiesse® might be a great option.
This option is non-surgical. You will have little to no downtime
and yet get the desired butt and hip dips you have been looking for.
What is a Non Invasive
A non-invasive butt lift is for those that want new butt and hip dips but don’t want to undergo painful surgery. With this sort of procedure, you can avoid surgery, downtime, implants, and incisions. It is far safer and more comfortable to undergo. This is done by using dermal filler injections such as Radiesse® that are placed around the butt and hip dip areas to give it the desired fullness. Like a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), this procedure will fill out the person’s backside and make it perkier and less flat without surgery.
Radiesse® is an FDA-approved dermal filler used in various parts of the body to encourage collagen production. While we are talking about it as a hip dip filler and buttocks lift, other body parts have been known to get assistance in plumping out the skin, where college production has declined. These are things such as:
Smile Lines
Pre-Jowl folds
Marionette lines
Chin wrinkles
It is also an excellent treatment for improving stretch marks and correcting cellulite on the skin’s surface. Fixing these surface irregularities without downtime is important to those seeking cosmetic improvements without surgery.

*Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. Before and after picture are shown on this site for informations purposes only. No claims are made that your results will be exactly the same. Pictures of actual patients are shown for informational purposes only.
What to with the use of Radiesse?
With Radiesse® you can expect some soreness. Everything is done in the office as an outpatient service. There isn’t much pain involved with this procedure, but you might feel some pinching or discomfort at the injection site. For most people, there will not be bruising or signs that you had a procedure other than the outcome that you desire, fuller buttocks, and hip dips. Of course, everyone is a little different, but you can usually resume normal activities without any issues.
There will be some swelling for some, but that will subside in no time.
Treatment time for this type of procedure can take roughly 30 mins. Typically patients will need 1-2 Radiesse® procedures in the timespan of 1-3 months to achieve the desired results. Once the injections are in place, they will continue to plump over the next 4-6 weeks. Just be patient as the Radiesse® continues to work.
The expected results should last for a couple of years. But, of course, with anything, it fully depends on your body and how it reacts to the Radiesse®. During this time, you might want to consider maintenance appointments as needed.

*Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. Before and after picture are shown on this site for informations purposes only. No claims are made that your results will be exactly the same. Pictures of actual patients are shown for informational purposes only.
What to do to Prepare for an Injectable Butt Lift with Radiesse®
Before you make the appointment, you should consider these factors to plan accordingly. There are a few things that you should avoid, such as:
Alcohol for at least 48 hours
Smoking and vaping just before treatment
Herbal supplements for at least two weeks
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or Ibuprofen for at least 2 weeks as this increases the chances of bleeding.
Who is the Ideal Candidate for Radiesse®?
This is the perfect selection of those that do not want to have surgery but are seeking to improve the fullness of their butt and hip dips. This procedure is far less invasive and has a fast recovery time, making it a pretty popular option.
During your visit, our team will ask a series of questions to determine if you are the right candidate for a Radiesse® butt lift and hip dip enhancement.
This is the perfect solution for those that are looking to alleviate these types of concerns in this area:
Stretch marks and cellulite
Hollowed hip dip areas or other areas of concern
Flatten backside that was once much perkier
Due to excessive weight loss, the backside has lost the desired shape.
The Benefits of Radiesse® Injectable Butt Lifts
Almost immediate results & long-lasting results
Natural-looking results
Don’t require fat harvesting
No post-operative scarring as it is non-invasive
No need for downtime and hospitalization
No anesthesia required
An in-office procedure that is completed in 30 mins
Incredible changes to your buttocks and hip dips in a matter of one to two visits.
This treatment will last over the course of a couple of years, and we have seen great improvements with the results.
It is done in 30 mins and isn’t surgical, you will not have any downtime and can go on with life.
This treatment is intended to stimulate collagen growth, which means, over time, you will see the area tighten
and become smoother.
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